The Guy Fawkes Day also called the Bonfire Night is mostly celebrated in the U.K and other countries which had been under the British rule. The Guy Fawkes has an interesting story; it so happened that the Catholics faced many persecutions during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1.

With her death in 1603, James 1 was named her successor. As James 1 had a Catholic mother, the Catholics thought that there hardships would lessen if not ended but this was not to be. James 1 proved to be as cruel as his predecessor.

Disillusioned by this situation, a group of Catholic young men decided to put an end to this tyranny by blowing up the House of Parliament when it was in session with the King and other Members of Parliament in it. To carry out the plan, the conspirators stored 36 barrels of gunpowder in a cellar under the House of Lords.

The plot was unveiled before it could be put into action and Guy Fawkes a soldier was unfortunately caught with the barrels of gunpowder. He was tortured and finally executed.

This event took place on the night of the 4th and 5th November and on the morning of 5th November, Church bells rang announcing the King’s safety. The Londoners lit bonfires to express their relief. This tradition changed with ages and now it is a common practice to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes in the bonfire as well.

Since then 5th November is called the Guy Fawkes Day or Bonfire Night. Throughout U.K there is a spectacular display of fireworks. The children make a “Guy” with pieces of old clothes and old newspapers or any ignitable material.

They carry it around the streets asking for a penny for poor Guy. This money was earlier used to buy fireworks. But with a ban on fireworks, it goes to the candy store. At night the Guy is put on top of bonfire; the sky breaks into colors when the bonfire is lit.

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