Fiction writing is an art not so easy to master. It has lots of considerations which the fiction writers have to take care of. It is quite difficult to sum up all of the fiction writing techniques here.
Fiction writing is an art not so easy to master. It has lots of considerations which the fiction writers have to take care of. It is quite difficult to sum up all of the fiction writing techniques here.
Do’s and Don’ts of Creative Writing. Creative writing is a unique form of writing consisting of writer’s personal thoughts. Here the writer is free to adopt any writing style that suits him. In order to come up with an astounding masterpiece, you have to keep some things in your mind. Do’s of Creative Writing Get […]
5 Keys to Creative Writing-Short Stories, Novels and Poetry. Out of several genres of creative writing, novel, short story and poetry are important forms. Short story is similar to novel writing but shorter than a novel. You can do creative writing job excellently provided some steps are followed by you. Use Writing Prompts Sometimes, it […]
3 Steps to Effective Creative Writing. Nobody can become a creative writer overnight! You have to understand the basic rules of creative writing to write a great writing piece. Creative writing is more demanding than other types of writing. Creative writer needs to be more efficient as well as organized to complete the job successfully. […]
There’s a myth that says only fictional writing needs to be creative. This implies that any other sort of writing, i.e. non-fiction, can be as dull as dishwater and that’s fine. To this I have only one response. Rubbish! Your non-fiction may actually require more creativity on your part to become a readable item than […]
To succeed as a freelance writer, you need to have the same basic skills as a writer who does their work as an employee at a publication or an advertising agency. You need the ability to research a topic and present the required information in a manner that engages the interest of the reader. In […]
“Freelance”. The word itself conjures an image of a wanderer, a person who doesn’t live in a fixed space, much less work in a cubicle or have to track their billable hours for some nameless, faceless boss. Five steps to freelance writing success. A freelancer is, if you break the word down, a weapon for […]
Creative writing is a form of writing which makes full use of creativity! Although others form of writing have some creativity too yet creative writing requires it the most.