Mother’s Day is celebrated in more than 40 countries all around the world. It is celebrated to honour the influence of mothers in the society. It is celebrated on various days but most commonly in the months of March or May.

The Mother’s Day began at the initiative of Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century. It is celebrated in different ways throughout the world such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria and the Christian Laetare Sunday celebration.

Mother’s day is one of the most important days in the year for me. I love my mother a lot-A LOT! Looking at it from factual point of view, I guess all of us love our mothers very much. Yes, in our hearts we do.

But do you think we do justice to the love of the woman we love the most in our lives? NO! I remember many incidents where I have to take an exam and am getting late.

In a hurry am packing my things to leave and there is a woman standing with me, more worried than me and holding my breakfast. She knows I don’t have the time to eat it, still, between my struggles to collect my things to leave for my exam, she manages to make me eat my all-important breakfast. That’s my mother. More worried about me than I can be about myself. Taking care of me in a way no one else can do.

I do not have much to say today. I just want you to know Mom, that I love you very much. I know no one will ever be able to love me more than you. I wish your health, and peace and a fulfilling life. I am what I am only because of you.

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