writing an article

Article writing is an informal writing piece full of interesting information or viewpoint about something. You can master article writing to enhance your freelance writing career. By learning the four important ways to article writing, you can become an expert article writer.

1.      Prepare An Outline

One can write an excellent article by preparing a rough draft of it beforehand. You do not need to do an outline in written form; you can organize it in your mind as well! Think about all the possible points you can include in the article. Then arrange them in a sequential order to produce a well-written article.

2.      Make A Catchy Title

The title of your article is the first thing that your readers will see! Do not neglect the title and make it attractive. Many article writers create an interesting title but the article body does not go with the article! So try to maintain a balance between what the article says about what it has in it, and what it actually contains.

3.      Write In Brief But Comprehensive Passages

The article should contain brief passages but should be complete in all respects. The paragraphs must also not be lengthy as in academic writing.

4.      Refrain From Complexity

Keep in mind a great article writing tip that your article should not have long sentences in it. It should be void of all sort of complexity and must have short and simple sentences.

These ways of writing articles if followed can help you in writing articles easily and swiftly.

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