detecting writer's block

4 Ways to Detect Writer’s Block.

If you want to know about the symptoms of writer’s block, you need to take a look below:

Check you writing speed

It is a good indicator of knowing whether you have got writer’s block or not to see your speed of writing. If you think your speed has slowed down or creating fluctuations, you need to seriously do something about it. It might be an alarming sign that you are going toward a big gap in your writing process.

Take a look at the quality of work

You need to see how much quality work is produced by you. If your quality of work is declining, you must take it as a possible sign of writer’s block. One of the sign of the poor quality work is that you start producing work that is full of grammatical or other errors. So check out your work quality for screening yourself for the possibility of writer’s block.

Count your working hours

Count the total number of hours that you spend on writing. If you feel now you spend less time on writing than before or sits idle most of the time writing nothing, it can be writer’s block too.

Notice your mood swings

It is very common for a writer facing the writer’s block to have constant mood swings. These mood swings might be caused by some interpersonal difficulty in the writer’s life. So, if you are feeling depressed or confused about your feelings, take this as one of the symptom of writer’s block.

Once you know you are facing writer’s block, you can move on to finding remedies to this problem.

4 Ways to Detect Writer’s Block

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