5 Steps to an Improved Digital Marketing Strategy in 2016.

Studies have shown that 37% of business-to-consumer (B2C) businesses rely on documented digital marketing strategies, and that number on a steady rise. Again, 61 % of all business marketing executives say they meet their digital marketing teams at least once a week, to execute their strategies and to brainstorm on new ideas.

Be sure to consider these certified digital marketing steps as you set out your way in 2016 and see your online presence cemented like never before.

It’s not just a blog – think beyond

Never make the mistake of assuming that a blog alone will be enough. Instead, incorporate such informative and eye catching products such as – cool infographics, eBooks, vlogs (video blogs), webinars and even podcasts.

End users love to engage with visual content, and videos are very easy to share. With the popularity of video blogging on a steady rise, why not tap into this market?

Track your Web traffic

Google Analytics

Track the number of website visits – the total number of online visitors your website gets through a particular channel. For example, when pushing visitors to an offer for a download, use tools such as Google Analytics to help you track such details as the origin for each download as well as the total number of downloads. Such insights are helpful in identifying areas that need boosting and more effort.

Give out free information – do not be afraid

When you’re looking to cement your repute as an industry expert, digital content marketing is a great way to do just that.

Build a name for value, then trust

When you continually provide valuable, trustworthy information without asking anything much in return (except for the usual request to subscribe – that is granted of course!), most of your users absorb your content and begin to take notice.


Nobody ever said it was a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket – that is a no-no in digital marketing. Consolidating several channels cushions your business from grinding to a complete halt when one of these channels, for whatever reason, slows down.

Build an awareness of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your particular type of business and employ multiple channels such as social media, emails, SEO, Pay-per-click and even ads.

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