Paragraph Writing

A paragraph is a bunch of ideas surrounding a central theme. It consists of a number of sentences that explains a main idea. Paragraph has three main parts in it; the beginning sentence, body sentence and ending statement. The beginning sentence introduces the reader to the paragraph. The other sentences support the central idea of the […]

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News Article Writing

News article writing is an art which requires lot of authenticity and well-researched stuff. It is basically quite different from general article writing. The reason behind this difference is that the news article gets read by a mass number of people. The people usually do not have time to go through the entire article. They […]

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Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is a profession which does not force a person to work on permanent basis. The person is usually self-employed and work at his own will. A freelance writer is assigned various tasks which he accepts at his choice. The writing tasks are given to him either by the writing company or directly through […]

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Fiction Writing

Fiction writing is a form of writing composed of imaginative or argumentative writing devoid of facts. It is usually in the form of a narrative event or a story that aims to explain a certain viewpoint of an author. The writing piece can take the shape of a drama, novel, movie script or short story. […]

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Essay Writing

Essay writing is skill which is aimed toward presenting a certain point of view. There may be many purposes of writing an essay.

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E-book Writing

eBook is a term used for electronic book writing sharply contrasted with traditional book writing. The major difference between the traditional and eBook writing is that eBook is published online.

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Dissertation Writing

Oxford dictionary defines dissertation as a long essay. In technical terms, dissertation is a piece of formal writing intended for academic purposes.

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Creative Writing

Creative writing is a form of writing which makes full use of creativity! Although others form of writing have some creativity too yet creative writing requires it the most.

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Copywriting is usually used in conjunction with advertising. A copywriter can be loosely defined as a writer who specializes in advertising copy.

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Book Writing

You need to give a lot from yourself in order to write a book! It means spending your immense time, attention and effort into book writing.

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